OnPoint’s innovative and flexible approach to software solutions enables customers and partners to pick & choose the ideal collection of technologies that can (a) add new capabilities to a legacy system like adding mobile support to an older, behind the firewall LMS platform, (b) introduce new functionality into the work environment to address evolving business needs like implementing a new onboarding program or driving sales enablement or providing product training directly to customers or partners, and (c) provide (or replace) an entire end-to-end learning and/or content management solution. The highly customizable nature of our solution sets enables them to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and meld perfectly with your branding and modern user experience expectations.
OnPoint’s key technology sets include:
Progressive companies of all sizes have relied upon online training delivery – eLearning – for almost two decades and knowledge workers new and seasoned alike have grown comfortable with accessing courseware, attending webinars, completing assessments and interacting with their peers, leaders, mentors and subject matter experts through the web browser on their desktop or laptop computer. And while OnPoint is one of a number of qualified providers of Learning Management System and Performance Management System solutions, our approach is unique in that our underlying platform allows for a consistent feature set across all customers while offering a customizable interface for an optimized learning experience from any Internet-connected computer, mobile device, eBook reader or intelligent display. We provide an array of tools that help T&D teams organize and assign structured training curriculums to meet formal learning needs as well as unstructured, self-service learning portals that serve more “ad hoc” learning environments.
CellCast Solution Platform
CellCast Native Apps
CellCast Mobile Web App
More Bells & Whistles
OnPoint is well known and highly regarded as an early pioneer of enterprise mobile learning and we have actively invested in enterprise mobility since 2002. OnPoint has demonstrated expertise in mobile-enabled solutions spanning training delivery, performance support, business communications and more. Our inaugural mobile offering, called The FreePad Solution, which was years ahead of its time and earned a Gold Innovation Excellence Award from Brandon Hall Group back in 2003. Our solution sets are rich and sophisticated all while remaining flexible and economical for most organizations.
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Gamification – the application of game dynamics and game elements in non-gaming contexts – is taking many industries by storm, and OnPoint’s customers are proving game-based learning is not only practical and possible nuy also makes a difference in driving employee engagement. In Spring 2012, OnPoint Digital became the first commercial LMS/LCMS platform provider to offer a full-featured Gamification Engine as a fully integrated module to an online and mobile learning platform. Approached correctly, gamification can make learning more interesting and effective without a huge investment in time, money or personnel.

Forums & Blogs

User Generated Content

Custom UI/UX
Offering extensible and innovative features is nearly pointless if they aren’t easy to use and attractively designed. OnPoint has spent years developing sophisticated and mature technologies – while making the way those features are presented and packaged one of our truly unique and powerful differentiators.

API Toolkits
Single Sign-On, Authentication
Third Party Platforms (Webex, Jive, Tibbr)
The final differentiator is OnPoint’s vast array of utilities and processes that enable our online and mobile solutions to integrate with other third party platforms, applications and essential business practices. The typical integration effort requires expertise, experience and the proper programmatic tools used in combination that allow for the flow of data points from one system into another. In practice, these tools are either simple programmed triggers and batch files or more sophisticated Application Program Interfaces (“APIs”) that can securely connect a customer’s various OnPoint solutions with any of their other internal business systems or applications. The tools used and approaches taken vary widely but the objectives are always to provide informational connectivity that streamline setup and consolidate the reporting of business outcomes.
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Since its release in April 2013, the Experience API (also known as xAPI or Tin-Can) has knocked SCORM off its long-established perch. Like SCORM, xAPI is a protocol for tracking learning related activity but with the key distinction that xAPI allows you to track learning in almost any context or method – formal or informal – and not just as summary-level progress records stored in a traditional LMS platform.
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A Learning Experience Platform (LXP/LEP) is a software offering that focuses on delivering a personalized learner experience – one that goes beyond the traditional Learning Management System for enterprise Learning & Development (L&D). In contrast to a traditional LMS, LXP/LEPs typically function as a curation and content aggregation layer between an organization’s internal digital learning assets, the vast amount of external content available on the Internet, and user generated content. Designed to capture the learning that happens outside of formally assigned training, the outcome is a personalized and interactive hub for learning that extends beyond the curricula made available by internal L&D. Additional features often include prebuilt integrations with other solutions, gamification elements, collaboration features, advanced Admin and User functions, and social features.
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Analytics Engine
Learning Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs. For L&D teams, having easy access to all of the relevant, detailed and structured information from their various learning environments, training programs and educational tools is more mission critical than ever before but they also require effective and flexible ways to organize and manage these information flows to measure operational performance and effectiveness.
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It’s no longer possible for L&D to know all the answers (or deliver them quickly). Modern social learning enables faster knowledge transfer on the job by crowdsourcing employees for information in real time allowing social communities to leverage peer recommendations to nurture a culture of learning and L&D needs to prioritize creating digital spaces where their learners can interact, share and engage with one another to cultivate communities of fungible knowledge.